Sara Sawyer
Singer/Actor/Dancer/Model/Voice, Acting and Piano Teacher/Director and Music Director
Minneapolis, MN
Video and Audio
Voice Masterclass
Snippet from "No Man Left for Me" from Will Rogers Follies.
This was performed in a voice masterclass with Courtney Crouse.
The Marvelous Wonderettes
Snippet of Sara on far right playing Suzy in The Marvelous Wonderettes at Mountain Playhouse in Jennerstown, PA.
The Smallest Thing
From "First Lady Suite" by Michael John LaChiusa This performance was part of a show called "Flight of Short Musicals" at Theatre Elision in Crystal, MN
I Hear ya Knockin'
Playing Dyanne in Million Dollar Quartet at Mountain Playhouse in Jennerstown, PA. The video is not great, but the audio is stellar and I am belting my face off. Watch until the end! It's short, I promise.
Open Mic Night in NYC
Singing "But Not for Me" by Gershwin, just for fun with friends!
Playing Dyanne in Million Dollar Quartet at Mountain Playhouse in Jennerstown, PA. Here's my jazzy side!
Man Child of the Kitchen
A film by Tall Boys Films. A warning that this film is rated Mature because of language!